There are lots of different terriers out there. I couldn’t find a good guide to them online, so I decided to make one.
So, what are all of the types of terriers? There are over 30 different terrier breeds. They include the massive Black Russian terrier, the hearty Airedale, the bouncy Jack Russell, and the agreeable Yorkshire.
All of the different terriers, while sharing some common characteristics, possess their own individual traits and characteristics that make them unique. Not every terrier is going to be right for each family; some are stubborn, others are more playful, while a few are possessive and don’t like to share. In the guide below, I try to include some basic information about each breed, along with their key character traits.
Airedale Terrier
Height: 22-24 inches
Weight: 45-65 pounds
Personality: Energetic, independent, stubborn, loving
Known as the King of Terriers, the Airedale is a friendly-but-difficult dog who demands a lot out of their relationship with you. They’re loving, loyal companions, but they have a lot of energy and they need to be exercised frequently or they take to digging.
Airedales have gained a reputation for their stubbornness, which makes them harder to train. That, plus their size and energy, makes them not ideal for first time owners; they can be difficult to control and they take a lot of patience to work with.
If you’re a more experienced dog owner, though, the Airedale can make an excellent companion. These guys are friendly, loving, and protective, and there’s nothing they like more than getting to spend time with you.
American Staffordshire Terrier
Height: 18-20 inches
Weight: 55-70 pounds
Personality: Loyal, confident, good-natured
Although the Airedale is the King, the American Staffordshire (sometimes called the AmStaff) might be one to challenge their crown. These solidly-built, medium sized dogs are trustworthy, dependable companions who love to please, which makes them more agreeable to train. Their short coat is fairly low maintenance, but you can expect some shedding.
Similar to an Airedale, the AmStaff is a high-energy dog that needs both physical and mental stimulation. They’re not satisfied being put outside to run around your yard; the AmStaff is only truly happy when they get to be with their owners.
With a big chest, solid jaws, and strong instincts, AmStaff’s stand with Airedales as the best terrier breeds for acting as guard dogs.
Australian Terrier
Height: 10-11 inches
Weight: 15-20 pounds
Personality: Smart, plucky, confident
Despite their size, Australian Terriers approach life with a lot of confidence and a very positive outlook. With their distinctive colouring and unique looks, this breed has gained a bit of a cult following.
A hunting dog at heart, the Australian terrier loves to run and dig. They have a natural instinct to chase anything smaller than them, so you’ll need to watch them around cats or any type of rodent. They also require a lot of exercise.
The Australian terrier isn’t always a good choice for multi-dog households, as they tend to want all of the attention to themselves. This can lead to hostility with other dogs.
Bedlington Terrier
Height: 15-18 inches
Weight: 18-25 pounds
Personality: Loyal, loveable, playful
With their distinctive haircut, prim mannerisms, and cheerful attitude, Bedlington’s have gained a reputation as a true gentleman. They have a lighthearted, playful attitude, and most people find them to be a highly agreeable dog.
Although they don’t always look it, the Bedlington terrier is built to run, and their distinctive appearance sometimes hides how playful they are. Their agility and intelligence make them one of the best terriers for showing.
Like lots of terriers, Bedlington’s love to wander and explore, so you need to keep an eye on them (especially when they’re puppies).
Black Russian Terrier
Height: 27-30 inches
Weight: 80-130 pounds
Personality: Serious, brave, stoic
The gentle giant of the terrier breed, Black Russian’s put even the Airedale to shame with their size. These massive dogs, bred to work in frozen tundra’s, carry themselves with a certain self-assuredness that comes from knowing there’s almost no other dog who can threaten you.
Like all terriers, Black Russian’s can become suspicious of strangers, and they have aggressive tendencies if they’re not properly socialized. Because of their size, these dogs aren’t ideal for first time owners; they need a strict hand and good training to quell the worst of their tendencies.
When properly trained, though, Black Terriers make a steady, strong companion who will follow you anywhere. A brisk hour-long walk is all these guys need to be satisfied, so they don’t demand a lot of time.
Border Terrier
Height: 12-15 inches
Weight: 13-15 pounds
Personality: Spirited, tireless, cheerful
Long of leg and stout of heart, these plucky, hard-bred dogs personify the determination of the terrier family. Despite their size, Border terriers are tireless workers and have absolutely no quit in them.
Despite their tough exterior, Border’s are known to be cheerful and agreeable when they’re with their families. It’s fairly easy to train them, and they get along well with other dogs.
Boston Terrier
Height: 15-17 inches
Weight: 12-25 pounds
Personality: Friendly, well-mannered,affectionate
Known as the ‘American Gentleman’, the courteous, kind dogs come with their own built-in tuxedo to accentuate just how proper they are.
Originally bred to be a fighting dog, the Boston terrier has instead found its home as a loving, cheerful companion. With their disarming smile and big eyes, it’s easy to see why these guys get so much love in the dog community.
Boston terriers are sensitive, friendly dogs. They love to play, they’re fairly easy to train, and they get along well with almost everyone else, making them excellent for first-time dog owners.
Bull Terrier
Height: 20-23 inches
Weight: 50-70 pounds
Personality: Stubborn, crafty, playful
The Bull terrier is an intelligent, mischievous dog that has its own unique sense of humour. Bred a fighter, they instead use their size and speed for playing with friends and making life somewhat difficult on their owners.
Similar to Airedales, Bull terriers aren’t always the best listeners (and have gained the nickname ‘Egg-heads’ because of it). However, these dogs are easy to train and extremely playful. That, plus their low grooming requirements, make them good for inexperienced owners who want a medium-sized dog.
Cairn Terrier
Height: 9-12 inches
Weight: 15 pounds
Personality: Cuddly, versatile, watchful
A true terrier down to their core, the Carin has a wiry coat, a plucky attitude, and a lot of energy. These dogs love to run, and they may surprise you with their speed and agility. Outdoors, they’re tough a playful, while indoors they love to snuggle with their family members. Cairns thrive off of exercise and family time.
They’re also a very watchful breed, and you can expect them to be alert at all times. Be prepared for barking every time someone comes close to your driveway.
Cesky Terrier
Height: 10-14 inches
Weight: 15-25 pounds
Personality: Exploratory, loving, clever
Originally bred to hunt vermin, the Cesky is one of the less known terrier breeds, but they still make excellent companions. With their long coat and large beard, these dogs have a serious face that belays their playful, curious nature.
Cesky’s love to wander and roam, but they don’t have the same energy requirements that other terriers do. As long as you spend an hour or so a day exercising them, they’ll be just as happy to curl up next to you and relax.
Dandie Dinmont Terrier
Height: 8-11 inches
Weight: 18-22 pounds
Personality: Proud, reserved, tenacious
With the coolest name of the Airedale breed (in my opinion), the Dandie Dinmont terrier carries itself with all the dignity (and dandiness) that you would expect. While still a terrier at heart, these dogs are calm and reserved, and they have impeccable manners. Some people call them the gentleman of the terrier breed.
Dandie Dinmont’s have low exercise needs, making them good for those living in urban environments. However, they don’t do well when left alone, so you can’t lock them in an apartment for eight hours a day and expect them to be alright with it.
Glen of Imaal Terrier
Height: 11-14 inches
Weight: 30-40 pounds
Personality: Strong, practical, brave
Although they’re small, these dogs are solidly built, and they carry a no-nonsense attitude to go along with their hefty build. These dogs are cute in an understated, substance-above-style type of way that belays their working-class roots.
With a typical independent streak in them, the Glen of Imaal terrier has a self-assured nature. They don’t always play nice with other dogs, but they love being around their family, and they take quickly to being trained.
Irish Terrier
Height: 17-20 inches
Weight: 24-28 pounds
Personality: Sensitive, charming, sturdy
With the traditional long-legged, lithe build of the terrier breed, these small-but-steady dogs are incredibly easy to love. Irish terriers have a big heart, and they’re very good at sensing the emotions of people around them. That usually makes them easier to work with than other terriers such as the Airedale.
Irish terriers are super affectionate to their family, but they have very little time for other dogs. Because of that, they don’t do well in families that have other canines. By themselves, though, they provide enough love and energy for any household.
Jack Russel Terrier
Height: 10-12 inches
Weight: 14-18 pounds
Personality: Hyper, mouthy, curious
I have a running theory that no one ever told the Jack Russell terrier just how small they are. With an endless energy and a fearless disposition, these dogs will do all day, and they’re never afraid to challenge someone who outweighs them by fifty pounds.
I wouldn’t recommend a Jack Russell terrier for first-time owners. They’re difficult to train, their endless energy can be annoying, and their wanderlust means that they’re liable to disappear on you.
On the flip side, once you find a way to manage them, the Jack Russell can be a loving, playful companion. These dogs are rarely aggressive, and they get along with human and canines alike.
Kerry Blue Terrier
Height: 18-20 inches
Weight: 35-45 pounds
Personality: Intelligent, devoted, brave
Another less-known but well-admired terrier breed, the Kerry Blue has a distinctive curly coat that’s completely unique — there’s no other dog that looks quite like them. With dark eyes and a serious disposition, these dogs watch first and act later.
With their family, Kerry Blues are friendly and loving, and once they like you, they’ll stay by your side through thick and thin. Like many other terrier breeds, however, they don’t get along well with other dogs.
Lakeland Terrier
Height: 14-16 inches
Weight: 13-15 pounds
Personality: Brave, outgoing, independent
The quintessential ‘big dog in a small body’, the Lakeland terrier packs a whole lot of bravery, loyalty, and intelligence into their 15-pound frame. Bred alongside the Airedale to hunt rats and vermin, these guys have boundless energy and an independent, exploratory streak.
Lakelands are a great option for people who want a playful, sturdy dog, but don’t want to deal with the size of a Bull terrier or similar breed. Small but hearty, they’ll spend all day running alongside your or playfighting with you. As long as they’re properly trained and exercised, they hold themselves well, and you won’t have to deal with a hyperactive demeanour.
Manchester Terrier
Height: 14-18 inches
Weight: 12-18 pounds
Personality: Watchful, independent, hearty
The Manchester terrier is a somewhat unique breed amongst the terriers. They maintain their independence and toughness, while traditionally having better manners than many of their peers. Though high-energy, the Manchester doesn’t like to fight; instead, they rejoice at being chased around, where they can show off their long legs and powerful stride.
Manchester’s make good watchdogs, and they’re constantly alert. They’re kind to strangers, but they treat them with a certain aloofness, reserving most of their affection for their family.
Miniature Bull Terrier
Height: 10-15 inches
Weight: 20-30 pounds
Personality: Cheerful, sneaky, playful
As the name would suggest, these guys are basically a smaller version of the full-sized Bull terrier. They share the same mischievous personality and joking sense of humour.
These are good family dogs, although they can get a little bit territorial of their own toys and space. To tamp down on this, it’s important to socialize your Miniature Bull from a young age.
Norfolk Terrier
Height: 10 inches
Weight: 12 pounds
Personality: Brave, intelligent, sociable
The smallest of the terriers, Norfolk’s are smart, watchful dogs that tend to be more easy-going than their kin. Getting along well with both strangers and other dogs, these little guys love to play, and their hunting instincts kick in from time to time.
Because of their size and easy-going nature, Norfolk terriers make good travel companions. They adapt easily to new environments, and as long as you’re accompanying them, the Norfolk is up for just about any adventure.
Norwich Terrier
Height: 10 inches
Weight: 12 pounds
Personality: Smart, curious, bossy
The Norwich terrier shares a lot in common with their Norfolk cousins, although their temperaments can be quite different. For one, the Norwich are fearless and bossy where their cousins are easy-going; these dogs have a stubborn streak in them, and they like to get their way.
Because of that nature, Norwich’s respond best to trainings sessions that are engaging and centered around positive reinforcement. They have enough energy to run all day, but once they’ve been tired out, there’s nothing they like more than curling up on your lap.
Parson Russell Terrier
Height: 12-15 inches
Weight: 15 pounds
Personality: Smart, playful, outgoing
The Parson Russell terrier shares a lot with the Jack Russell, although they tend to be more playful than hyper. Because of their hunting past, they tend to not do well with non-canine pets, and even with other dogs they can be slightly aloof.
The Parson Russell terrier thrives off of energy and adventure, and they’re not always the best at telling when these adventures might land them in trouble. Without proper training and exercise, they’re liable to bark and dig until they drive you crazy.
Rat Terrier
Height: 10-18 inches
Weight: 12-25 pounds
Personality: Feisty, mischievous, loveable
One of the prototypical terriers, the Rat is spirited and independent. They don’t really care about pleasing you, and are more concerned with burning off their endless energy and finding ways to break the rules imposed on them.
This can make Rat terriers difficult to work with, but experienced dog owners who accept their antics love them. There’s never a boring moment with one of these dogs.
Russell Terrier
Height: 10-13 inches
Weight: 12-16 pounds
Personality: Adventurous, curious, playful
The least chaotic of the Russell trifecta, these small dogs channel their energy towards exploring and playing rather than digging and barking. With a kind disposition and a curious heart, the Russell terrier is always down for an adventure.
Scottish Terrier
Height: 10-12 inches
Weight: 18-22 pounds
Personality: Determined, serious, efficient
The Scottish terrier has all of the seriousness of its peers, although it lacks the goofiness that you’ll find in a Russell or Bull Terrier. That’s not to say that these dogs don’t like to have fun; they’re always happy to play with /spend time with you.
Scottish terriers have been nicknames ‘the die-hard’ because of their determination when faced with a task.
Sealyham Terrier
Height: 10-12 inches
Weight: 16-20 pounds
Personality: Sociable, clever, playful
This rare an underappreciated breed shares the same energy as many of the other terriers, although they lack the aloof demeanour. Instead, Sealyham’s love to play and joke around, and they don’t take themselves very seriously. That being said, though, they’re deceptively powerful for their size, and they like to play rough.
Silky Terrier
Height: 9-10 inches
Weight: 8-12 pounds
Personality: Charming, Keen, Intelligent
Similar in looks to the ever-popular Yorkshire terrier, the Silky has a bright personality a handsome, groomed appearance. These dogs have many of the good Airedale characteristic, without a lot of the bad ones: they’re tough but refined, playful but dignified, and watchful but outgoing.
Skye Terrier
Height: 10 inches
Weight: 18-22 pounds
Personality: Clever, Friendly, strong-willed
Skye terriers, while looking deceptively prim and put-together, were bred on the windswept isles of Scotland to exterminate vermin. Underneath their long hair and floppy ears, these dogs have a massive heart and a sturdy build that allows them to hold their own.
Smart but strong-willed, Skye terriers are eager to please, so as long as you approach their training in the right manner, you’ll end up with a very well-natured dog. Like more terriers, these guys need socialization from a young age to prevent them from being aloof with anyone but their owners.
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
Height: 18-20 inches
Weight: 30-40 pounds
Personality: Outgoing, loyal, energetic
With their silky coat and bouncy personality, the Wheaten terrier will be able to make friends wherever they go. Friendly, happy, and personable, this dog loves nothing more than playing, and they can keep it up all day long.
Like many terriers, the Wheaten has an agenda of their own, so it can be a struggle to get them to listen. Using their playful nature to your advantage will go a long way in getting this dog to cooperate. Furthermore, you need to keep an eye on their prey drive, as they have a habit of chasing after anything that moves.
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Height: 15 inches
Weight: 25-30 pounds
Personality: Determined, affable, child-friendly
A former crossover breed that was used for fighting, the Staffordshire Bull terrier has found a new home as a loving, loyal companion. Built strong and stocky, with a keen fighting sense but a sweet disposition, these dogs are great with kids and love being around family.
Because of their roots, it’s important that Staffordshire Bulls are socialized well. Once this is done, however, you can count of this breed to be endlessly sweet and patients, especially when dealing with children.
Tibetan Terrier
Height: 14-16 inches
Weight: 15-30 pounds
Personality: Friendly, understanding, kind
A former holy dog who spent centuries around monks, the Tibetan terrier picked up a good degree of calm and understanding, while still maintaining their playful roots. Clever and sensitive, the ‘TT’ makes a great companion who can provide emotional support when needed.
Their long, luscious coat takes a decent amount of time to groom, making these dogs slightly higher maintenance than other terriers.
Toy Fox Terrier
Height: 8-11 inches
Weight: 5 pounds
Personality: Sturdy, intelligent, obedient
When mixing the energy and mouthiness of toy dogs with the tenacity of a terrier, the results could have been drastic. Instead, this pocket-sized companion combines a loveable attitude with a high degree of trainability, making them one of the most showable of all Airedales.
Toy Fox’s are sensitive dogs and make good companions, but they don’t tolerate being left alone.
Welsh Terrier
Height: 14-16 inches
Weight: 20-25 pounds
Personality: Stubborn, energetic, loyal
A half-sized version of the Airedale terrier, Welshies share manner of the personality traits of their larger cousins, while being more manageable because of their size. In this dog, you get the same loyalty, wanderlust, and boundless energy that you get in an Airedale.
However, because of their size, Welshies can be easier to handle. For first time owners or people don’t like big, rough dogs, the Welsh can be a good way to have an energetic terrier without fully needing to commit to the size of an Airedale.
West Highland White Terrier
Height: 11 inches
Weight: 10-15 pounds
Personality: Cheerful, confident, affable
One of the cutest terrier breeds out there (in my humble opinion), the West Highland terrier has a distinctive look, with their round faces and ready stance. These small dogs carry a happy-go-lucky attitude into everything they do, and they get along well with almost everyone they meet. These dogs are adorable, and they know it.
One downside of a Westie is that they shed a decent amount, and they require good amounts of grooming to keep their hair I check. Frequent baths are also needed so that they keep their colour.
Wire Fox Terrier
Height: 14-16 inches
Weight: 15-18 pounds
Personality: Brave, hyper, companionable
These dogs are small in stature, but they fill your heart with their endless energy, courage, and affectionate. Unlike some terriers, the Wire Fox is never happier than when they’re spending time with you, and they need a decent amount of socialization to stay happy.
Aside from that, Wire Fox’s maintain their typical terrier characteristics in their stubbornness and energy. They have a standard, wiry coat that keeps down on their grooming requirements.
Yorkshire Terrier
Height: 6-8 inches
Weight: 7 pounds
Personality: Tolerant, energetic, loving
One of the most popular terrier breeds out there, ‘Yorkies’ have earned their spot in the laps and hearts in families across the world. Their silky coat and prim attitude hide a level of tenacity and energy that belays their terrier status.
A indoor dogs, Yorkies are right at home, although they still need a decent amount of energy. Grooming them can become a bit of a chore, although they hardly ever shed.